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You are more likely to settle than go to trial and 95% of personal injury cases end in a written settlement agreement. (American Bar Association Guide to Mediation and Arbitration for Business People 2 (September 1, 2007)

Mediation is more satisfactory than litigation. People who participate in mediations typically are more satisfied than individuals who take their case to trial. People in mediations feel engaged in the process and find the mediation process more cost effective than a trial in terms of their time and money.

Each participant should be prepared to inform Ms. Hopgood of the facts of the case, the injuries suffered and have documentation to support each element of their damages. All necessary documents should be exchanged with the opposing party prior to the mediation in a timely fashion to allow your opponent to meaningfully consider the documents.

Bring a concise presentation of your case to present to the Ms. Hopgood. You can do this in the form of an oral presentation or a power point presentation. Don’t worry about bringing a projector or a screen. Our office will provide you with both. Just bring your laptop or iPad and we can provide you with the media technology to present your power point.

Mediation is much less formal than a trial. We simply talk about your case. Initially, you can expect to meet with all parties, counsel and Ms. Hopgood. During this meeting, each party will be given an opportunity to educate Ms. Hopgood as to their respective positions. After the initial presentations, each party will be separated into confidential conference rooms. Ms. Hopgood will then begin to meet privately with each party. She will listen to what you have to say and work diligently to find common ground between the parties. Be prepared to spend between three and four hours in the mediation.

95% of the cases Ms. Hopgood mediates result in a signed settlement agreement. If the matter settles, you will be expected to sign a binding settlement agreement before you leave. You can also expect to be treated with respect and don’t worry about getting hungry-the food and drink are on the house.

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